Гостиная, кухня, ванная комната, спальня, зал, столовая, сад, гараж, жилой дом, второй этаж, дом, дом, приёмная, крыша, плавательный зал, в, на, под, за, следующий, перед, дождь
Что смогла то и написала. House и home одно и тоже смогла написать до дождя
I stupit означает я глупый
Sport is a very important part of our life.
It helps people to
be healthy and slim.
It is popular among young and old people.
Many people do morning exercises.
Some people jog in the morning.
Some people only watch sports game on TV but
they also like sport.
Physical training is an important subject in school.
Pupils have physical training twice a week
at school.
Pupils play volleyball and basketball at the lessons.
A lot of different competitions are held at school.
My favorite sport is swimming.
I go to the swimming pool twice a week.
I like sport.
ˈгетин эˈлон <span>уэл
</span>[ˈgɛtɪŋ əˈlɒŋ <span>wɛl]
What color is his dog?
What colour are her toys?