About the dangers of Smoking can say very much.
<span>If you are a girl there are several reasons why you can't smoke:
</span>1)A Smoking girl, remain fruitless, if you are able to have a baby, the weight of it is very small and the immune system is very weak. After, the children are very dependent on nicotine.
2)Leather Smoking girl is always in a state of stress due to oxygen starvation. And that leather gives attachment to the habit.
<span>3)If a woman smokes, beautiful hair and nails she can only dream of. Nails become brittle and exfoliate very, very dull hair, and no shampoo does not get rid of the smell of tobacco.
</span><span>Here's 3 reasons why posted in General no Smoking
</span>Next to us there are children, they suffer from the smokers get sick more often;
<span>Yellow teeth, nails, skin; </span>
<span>Weaken and hair falls out;
</span><span>Therefore, it is a harmful habit that we need to izbavitsya. Don't smoke don't get sick and Wake up healthy!
1 Accessories: (Аксессуары:) bracelets (браслеты), wallets (бумажники, кошельки), necklaces (ожерелья, колье), handbags (сумочки), wedding rings (обручальные кольца), watches (часы), earrings (серьги).
2. Shoes: (Обувь): running shoes (шиповки или обувь для бега), flip-flops (шлёпанцы), boots (ботинки), basketball shoes (обувь для игры в баскетбол), skating boots ( ботинки для катания на коньках), shoes (туфли).
3. Clothes: (Одежда): hats (шляпы), bath robes (банные халаты), sweaters (свитеры), jackets (куртки), tops (кофточки-топы), lingerie (женское бельё), shorts (шорты), swimming costumes (купальные костюмы), vests ( майки, жилеты), T-shorts (футболки), jeans (джинсы), sleepwear (одежда для сна), belts (ремни, пояса), cardigans (кофты-кардиган), scarves (шарфы), trousers (брюки).
4. Electronics: (Электроника): <span>home phones (</span><span> безпроводные </span> домашние телефоны ),computers (компьютеры), cameras (фотоаппараты), cell phones + devices (мобильные телефоны и другая аппаратура), playstation games (компьютерные игры).
5. Other: (Другое:) home phones (стационарные проводные домашние телефоны), sport nutrition (спортивное питание), herbs (травы), vitamins (витамины), bedding (постельные принадлежности), cologne (одеколон), rugs (коврики), shower gel (гель для душа), creams (крема), personal fragrence (освежители персперанты), soaps (мыло) mattresses (матрасы), floor care (средство по уходу за полом) weather station метеостанция), lighting (молния), candles (свечи), locions (лосьоны), home fragrance (освежитель воздуха в доме), home decor (предметы домашнего декора)
<span>1) I was having dinner at 2 p.m. yesterday.
2) I was writing a letter while my brother
was playing with his toys.
3) She was taking a shower when the doorbell rang.</span>