<span>a. Detective stories - </span><span>Agatha Cristie
b. the song "Yesterday"</span><span> - "The Beatles"
c. The theory of evolution -</span><span>Darwin
d. "Alice in Wonderland"</span><span> - Lewis Carol
e. Sherlock Holmes - </span>Conan Doyle
Yesterday , I broke my arm and I felt hurt
Чем имено помочь? в решении
1. Sheila answered that her cousin John had come there <span>Yesterday evening at 5 </span>
2. Jason said that he thought that work wouldnt take they long
3. Her brother asked What she was doing then ”
4. Father ordered to his son not to ask him silly questions!”
5. Helen said to me if I had written that letter myself .
1. Up
2. Up
3. Не уверена может быть up
4. Away
5. Up
6. Up
7. Out
8. Out
9. Up (получится значение монтировать, но может здесь вообще нужно употребить просто make)
10. Up