There aren't any cups in the cupboard - при отрицании всегда используется ANY.
This is our hotel where we stayed during our holiday in Split, Croatia.
These are my parents and I eating a watermelon that we bought at the local market.
That is a funny fountain which is called Figa i Pirija.
This is a shop where we bought a few souvenirs.
That is our guide who told us a lot of funny stories.
Now group this question by their types.
Yes / N
1. Has this element any.. important properties? Yes,it has some..
Обладает этот элемент какими-нибудь важными свойствами? Да, у него их есть несколько.
2. He didn’t get .any.. letters yesterday.
Он не получил никаких писем вчера.
3. At first sight there is .no. difference between these two alloys.
На первый взгляд нет никакой разницы между этими двумя сплавами.
4. Take any. book you like.
Возьми любую книгу, которая тебе нравится.
5. Do you speak .any.. foreign languages?
Вы говорите на каких-нибудь иностранных языках?