A 1 are often written 2 arealways asked 3 is usually translated 4 is read 5 is rarely bought
B 1 were written 2 were asked 3 was translated 4 was read 5 was bought
6)When Jenny entered the party hall <span>a glass of wine was offered by them
7)</span>a new project are being <span>discused by them
8)</span>the sky was being drivenby the wind
9) You are wanted on the phone by them
10)a new car <span> had been bought by them
</span>11)such things were never <span>remembered by them
</span>12)her room had been <span>had already done
</span>13)all the letters has been already answered by <span>My secretary
</span>14)<span>such rules is easily forgot </span>
My scariest dream
Usually I do not remember my dreams. I often wake up and immediately forget what I saw in a dream. But one day I had a nightmare that I cannot forget.
I dreamed that I was walking through the forest. It was late at night. The moon was barely visible through the clouds in the sky. Suddenly I heard a crackle of branches behind me. I got scared. I slowly turned around and saw a dark figure. At that moment the clouds dispersed in the sky, the moon lit up the figure and I saw that it was an elderly man with shoulder-length hair and a long beard. Suddenly he fell down on all fours and howled like a wolf. Then I saw him turning into a wolf. It was a werewolf! I wanted to run, but my legs would not obey. I screamed ... and woke up.
I realized it was just a dream, but I was so scared that I could not fall asleep and lay in bed, listening to the sounds of the night. I fell asleep just before morning. Fortunately, it was my day off and I did not have to get up early.
3. You won't find friends if you are selfish (Future Simple).
Ты не отыщешь друзей, если будешь эгоистичен.
4. You will do this test easily if you listen to the teacher now (Future Simple).
Ты легко справишься с этим тестом, если сейчас будешь слушать учителя.
5. If this film is boring, we'll go to the park (Future Simple).
Если фильм будет скучным, мы пойдём в парк.
1. mean -> generous
2. is -> is not (я не знаю антонима к "workaholic" :'()
3. intelligent -> ignorant
4. bossy -> rational
5. всё правильно
6. всё правильно
7. it -> is (опечатка, судя по всему). Помимо этого, polite -> impolite.
8. brave -> <span><span /><span>cowardly</span></span>.
Как прочитать что Джон говорит?!? Если ты не прикрепил фото.