РУССКИЙ)Три медведя - русская народная сказка о маленькой девочке, заблудившейся в лесу. Попала она в дом трех медведей. Там девочка поела из каждой чашки, посидела на каждом стуле, полежала в каждой кровати, что очень разозлило вернувшихся домой медведей. Читать сказку Три медведя хорошо детям, которых нужно приучить к порядку.
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ)Three bears - Russian folk tale about a little girl lost in the woods. She came to the house of the three bears. There's a girl ate from each Cup, sat on every chair, lay in every bed, very angry bears returned home. Read the story the Three bears the children who need to be disciplined.
<span><span>1. I have been ringing the bell for the last quarter of an hour.
2. I want to see how much he has changed since I last saw him.
3. Have you had any word from him since he left?
4. Here's my key. I am leaving.
5. I asked them not to make any decision until they get the documents.
6. Wait till you see Mark and talk to him.
7. But what will we do? - I have thought about it a lot. I </span></span><span><span>have been thinking</span> about
it all week. But I don't know what to do.
8. I mustn't let my eyes get all red and swollen, or Henry will know I have been crying.
9. Look, I know Francis very well. I have known him since we were very young.
10. My dear, you and I have been friends for all these years but I have never told you what really happened to Arthur.
11. What are we going to say to him when he comes?
12. I'm in great trouble. My little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself.
1) She's got 3 birthday cards
2) she's got 2 CDs
3) she's got 13 birthday presents
4) she's got 1 cat
There are always black ravens in the tower.
Black ravens live in the Tower.