Big head,body,eyes,mouth
small nose,ears
strong arms
long neck,hair
short hands,legs,fingers,toes
straight hair,nose
dark eyes
bright hair
red lips
brown hair
blue eyes
pink lips
white hair
grey eyes
pleasant face
soft hair
tall body
Надо научиться написать слова и фразы и дополнить линии
(Get up get up get up get up)
Get up-Вставать
An exercise-Упражнение
A shower-Душ
If I needed to borrow money, I'd do that
If I could work anywhere in the world, I'd choose a first-world country
If I didn't have a phone, I'd ask my parents to buy it
If I were an animal, I'd rather be a cat
If I didn't have to study, I'd be a stupid kid
If today was the last day of my life, I'd spend it as good as possible
1. Ted was.
2. Ted is.
3. Ted is.
4. Ted is.
5. Ted was.