1. She cleaned and cooked all day.
2. The prince invited the unkind sisters to the palace.
3.One day a Fairy Godmother visited her.
4. She asked with the prince at the palace.
5. The prince married her.
6. They lived happily ever after.
Зима. Самое холодное время года. За каждым окном идет белоснежный пушистый снежок.
Winter. The coldest season. Behind each window is a pure white fluffy snow.
Весна.На деревьях набухают зеленистые почки. Тает снежок и все приходит к жизни...
Spring. The trees swell zelenistye kidneys. Melting snow and everything comes to life
Лето. Самое лучшее время года,когда люди отдыхают на свежем воздухе и наступают каникулы.
Summer. The best time of year when people are going out in the fresh air and come vacation.
Осень. Грустная пора... С деревьев опадают желтистые оранджевые листочки.
Autumn. Sad time ... from the trees leaves fall zheltistye orandzhevye.
1 was
3 would go
4 have supported
5 would attend-took place
6 is
7 would finish
<span>делает образцовую деревню !</span>
Has got - has not got - hasn't got
Is - is not - isn't