1 months,2 weeks,3 centuries,4 days,5 hours,6 decade,7minutes,8 seconds
1) The capital of Uzbekistan is Tashkent. The population of the capital is about 2.5 million people. (about 2 and a half million people)
2) There are 118 cities and towns in Uzbekistan. The largest cities are Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Fergana, Andizhan, Namangan, Nukus.
1) Столица Узбекистана -Ташкент. Население столицы около 2,5 миллионов человек. (около 2х с половиной миллионов человек).
2) в Узбекистане 118 больших и малых городов. Крупнейшими городами являются Ташкент, Самарканд, Бухара, Фергана, Андижан, Наманган, Нукус.
1. He eats slowly
2. She translates correctly
3. He walks quickly
4. She coked carelessly
5. He arrived unexpectedly
6. She(he) dances excellently
7. He died suddenly
8. She spoke wonderfully
1.Can't come.
2.Could run.
3.Can wait.
4.Couldn't eat.
5.Can't hear.
6.Couldn't sleep.
Plis, Like me)