1. The dishes are always washed by Kate. 2. The task will be completed by them on time. 3. A funny cartoon is being watched by the child. 4. A magazine was read by my sister when I came home
they say tastes differ. so my my favourite movie is titanic. I have watched this movie many times , so you too, I think. I like tragedy genre, so I love Titanic. After watching this movie I was motivated that we born to be happy not to search treasure. our life is a big treasure! they say in falling plane there is no atheist. so in this film we can see difference between rich and poor but all aimed to Live. I love it because it made me understand that our life don't end when we lose our close people, life continues. Love and appreciate what you have now!
1)was planting (она устала. Она сажала цветы всё утро .)
Was playing(я играл(а) в волейбол, когда мяч прилетел мне в голову
2)had finished (его вещи были грязными , потому что он закончил красить стены)
Bought (когда мне было пять мои родители купили мне пианино)
3)was dancing (ким танцевала когда ее муж открыл дверь .)
Was cutting (он стриг траву в течении часа когда внезапно газонокосилка сломалась.)
Took off (во-первых я снял(а) полито ,а затем я пошёл (пошла) в ванную комнату .)
had studied (она забыла все что она выучила в автошколе.)