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Nobody can deny that fashion is an important part of our modern life. Fashion is something we deal with everyday. There are many fashion designers, makeup artists, stylists, hairdressers. Fashion is very common nowadays. New fashion ideas come from music, films, books. There are so many different styles that show who you are, but they also create stereotypes and distance between groups. Some people say that they do not care what they wear. However, they choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and about how they feel that day.
My monday was very good and intrestihg. In the mornind I went to school and meeted my old friend. On the lessons I worked very hard. When I went to the home. My mum helped me with a homework. When I had a dinner.
Мой понедельник прошёл очень хорошо и интересно. Утром я пошла в школу и встретила своего старого друга. На уроках я очень хорошо работала. Потом я пошла домой. Мама помогла мне с домашней работой. после этого я поужинала.
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Извини, если что то было не правдой. Ведь я не знаю как прошёл твой день.
Май нэйм из Диана.Ай эм севен еарс олд.Ай эм ин за фоти-фёрст скул.Ай хэв мэни френдс зерэ
<span>1) Their wedding will take place at the club next week.
2) When we entered the room, we saw that the students were drinking and dancing to the music.
3) Do not call her! She is having breakfast. Come the day after tomorrow<span>.</span></span>
1) The haunted forest is in the blue hills.
2) It was a beautiful forest with tall trees and different plants.
3) They were lost there homes and lives because a fire broke out in the forest and people were not able to put a fire out.
4)Many years later the locals saw people trying to put a fire out, bur there were no any fires.
5)These people were the ghosts of the haunted forest trying to save their homes and beautiful land.