1) Кто это/ Откуда он?
2) Это формально/не формально?
1) It's ... . He is from ...
2) Yes it is/ No it isnt
I live on a farm.
I am pink.
I have a little tail.
My nose is called a snout.
And I say «Oink, oink».
I am ….
(Answer: PIG)
I have 4 legs and a tail.
I am very smart.
I like to play with you.
When I see a cat,
I say «Woof, woof»
I am ….
(Answer: DOG)
I have 4 legs and a long tail.
I like to run fast.
I let you ride
on my back.
I eat hay.
And say «Neigh, neigh».
I am ….
(Answer: HORSE)
1. The roads were blocked by the snowstorm
2. The children were woken up by the sound of the thunder
3. The town was flooded by the river
4. The tower was knocked down by the high winds
1. The eagle is the sign of America.
2. Today I picked mushrooms in the forest.
3. Chickens lay eggs.
4. This girl is beautiful.
5. I like jumping at trampoline.