My friend knows how to play football.
[ maɪ ˈfrend nəʊz ˈhaʊ tə pleɪ ˈfʊtbɔːl ]
You see the yellow, blue and red tulips.
[ ju ˈsiː ðə ˈjeləʊ | bluː ənd red ˈtjuːlɪps ]
I love good music.
[ ˈaɪ lʌv ɡʊd ˈmjuːzɪk ]
Описание Биг Бена
In fact, Big Ben is the largest of the six bells of Westminster Palace in London. But it has long been associated with the name of the Clock Tower, which in September 2012 was officially called “Elizabeth Tower”. The decision to rename the tower was made by the British Parliament to mark the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
The tower was built in 1858. The project architect was Augustus Pugin. The height of the tower and spire is 96.3 m.
The Palace of Westminster, and therefore the tower, is on the Parliament square next to Westminster Abbey. On the opposite side of the palace there is the Thames embankment.
The Clock Tower is the largest four-sided clock mechanism in the world, and in addition, with the most accurate clocks.
At the base of each of the four clock dials there is a Latin inscription “Domine Salvam fac Reginam nostram Victoriam primam” (“God save our Queen Victoria I”).
Around the perimeter of the tower, on the left and on the right of the clock, there is another phrase in Latin – “Laus Deo” (“Glory to God” or “Praise the Lord”).
There used to be a prison in Big Ben. The last prisoner of Big Ben was a fighter for women’s rights Emmeline Pankhurst. Now, next to the Parliament there is a monument to her.
На самом деле, Биг Бен – это самый большой из шести колоколов Вестминстерского дворца в Лондоне. Но уже давно это название ассоциируют с Часовой башней, которую с сентября 2012 года официально называют «Башней Елизаветы». Решение переименовать башню было принято британским парламентом в честь 60-летия правления королевы Елизаветы II.
Башня возведена в 1858 году. Архитектор проекта – Огастес Пьюджин. Высота башни со шпилем 96,3 м.
Вестминстерский дворец, а соответственно и башня, находится на парламентской площади рядом с Вестминстерским аббатством. С противоположной стороны дворца – набережная Темзы.
Часы башни считаются самым большим четырехсторонним часовым механизмом в мире, а кроме того, и самыми точными часами.
В основании каждого из четырёх циферблатов часов находится латинская надпись «Domine Salvam fac Reginam nostram Victoriam primam» («Боже, храни нашу королеву Викторию I»).
По всему периметру башни, слева и справа от часов, расположена другая фраза на латыни – «Laus Deo» («Слава Богу» или «Хвала Господу»).
Раньше в Биг-Бене была тюрьма. Последней узницей Биг-Бена была борец за женские права Эммелин Панкхёрст. Теперь рядом с парламентом стоит её памятник.
A) building. growing.thinking. bringing, determining, following, moving, refusing, obtaining, containing, producing, using, including, offering, entering, getting, happening, carrying, teaching, telling, making, begging, keeping, dividing, returning, developing, saving.
b) found, sent, thrown, added, changed, kept, taken, saved, maintained, installed, considered, burnt, achieved, shown, developed, decided, received, left, equipped, divided, returned, written, read, made, done, given, seen, said, spoken.
Clint Eastwood was born on May 31, 1930 in San Francisco. Starred in the movie "Francis in the Navy" in 1955. In 1956 in the film "Never Say Goodbye", in 1967 in the film "The Witches" and others. My favorite movie is "The good, the bad and the ugly" because I liked the acting and the plot of the film. I believe that Clint Eastwood is one of the best actors since he was awarded many awards and nominations for his work in film, television and music.
Dear Ben,
Thanks for your letter. I haven’t written to you earlier, because I was preparing for my exams.
In your letter you asked me about a person who I admire. Well, the person who I admire the most is Yuri Gagarin. He was born on the 9th March 1934, in Smolensk Region. He is famous as the first man in the space. In 1951 he entered the Saratov Industrial College. Three years later, he came to Saratov Aeroclub. In 1955 Gagarin achieved success, graduated from the college and he took a flight on the plane.
After his graduation, Gagarin called up for the army. In 1961 he became the first man who flew into the space by “Vostok-1”. The reason I admire him because he’s really courageous and brave.
Anyway, I have to go now.
Write back soon,
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