• Driver – _drive__
• Player – _play_
• Writer – _write_
• Doer – __do_
• Maker – __make__
• Producer – __produce__
• Translator – __translate__
• Interpreter – _interpret_
• Cooker – _cook______
• Diver – ___dive______
Моей маме/моему папе нравиться
My mum/dad enjoys
-reading books.
-watching TV.
-going to shops.
</span>Ей/ему не нравиться
She/he doesn’t like
-playing computer games.
-doing sports.
-reading newspapers.
Если хорошая погода, она/он любят<span>
If it’s a nice day she/he likes </span>
-walking in the park.
-going to the forest for a
-going to the country.
</span>Когда она/он в отпуске, она/он любят<span> When she/he
is on holiday, she/he likes </span>
- doing nothing.
-going abroad.
-going to the country.
Когда идет дождь, она/он любят
When it’s rainy she/he loves
-watching TV.
-reading books.
-playing games.
1)if he was late,he miss the train 2)if he missed the train he had to take a bus 3)if he took a bus,he arriveed at 9.30 <span>4) If he arriveed at 9.30, he met out teacher. 5) If he met out teacher, she asked him about the party. 6) If she asked him about it, he telled her the truth. 7) If he telled her the truth, she knew everything. 8) If she knew everything, she was angry. 9) If she was angry, she giveed us a lot of work to do. 10) If she giveed us a lot of work to do, I was very busy.
1) если он опоздал, он опоздает на поезд; 2) если он опоздал на поезд, ему пришлось сесть на автобус; 3) если он сел в автобус, он прибыл в 9.30; 4) если он прибыл в 9.30, он встретил учителя. 5) Если он встретил учителя, она спросила его о вечеринке. 6) Если она спросила его об этом, он сказал ей правду. 7) Если он сказал ей правду, она знала все. 8) Если бы она знала все, она была сердита. 9) Если она была сердита, она дала нам много работы. 10) Если она дала нам много работы, я был очень занят
<span>1. The sun has not risen yet, but the sky in the east is getting lighter every minute.
2. I saw you walking along the street the other day with a heavy bag.
3. I have not read the newspaper today.
4. It is very late, and trams have stopped running: we must find a taxi to get home.
5. How many times have you been to St. Petersburg?
6. At last I have translated this article: now I shall have a little rest.
7. We went to the country yesterday, but the rain spoilt all the pleasure.
8. My watch was going in the morning, but now it has stopped.
9. The lecture has not begun yet and the students are talking in the classroom.
10. She has just gone out.
11. She left the room a moment ago.
12. We have not solved the problem yet.
13. When did it all happen?
14. The morning was cold and rainy, but since ten o'clock the weather has changed and now the sun is shining brightly.
15. Show me the dress which you have made.
16. Oh, how dark it is! A large black cloud has covered the sky. I think it will start raining in a few minutes.
17. Oh, close the window! Look, all my papers have fallen on the floor because of the wind.
18. When did you open the window? — I opened it ten minutes ago</span>
A builder is a person who makes materials of construction. The material can be different: wood and stone, brick, as well as granite and others. The builder is an important profession because without them we would not be able to quickly and efficiently build a house or other building. Builders always wear helmets so that at one point when a stone falls on them, the helmet will save them. Builders are very strong people, since they carry heavy material, and machines that specialize in such work also help them in this.
Стоитель это человек который делает из материалов постройки.Материал бывает разный это дерево и камень, кирпич, а также гранит и другие. Строитель важная профессия потому что без них мы бы не смогли быстро и качественно построить дом или другую постройку. Строители всегда носят каски чтобы в один прекрасный момент когда на них свалится камень каска их спасла. Строители очень сильные люди так как они носят тяжелый материал, еще им в этом помогают машины которые специализированны на таких работах.