People who like to listen to the opera.
1)There a lot of people in the cafe
2) I would like some books for my birthday
3) Do you have any money?
4)My brother hasnt got any video games
5)My parents have got a few DVDs
6) Would you like a bit of cake?
6 правильно.4 1 не правильно
Over the wooded banks,In the hour of evening silence,Noise and songs under the tents,And the lights are spread out.
Hello, happy tribe!I recognize your bonfires;I myself at a different timeHe escorted these tents.
Tomorrow with the first raysYour will disappear.You will leave - but for youDo not go your poet.
He's a wandering placeAnd the leprosy of antiquityI forgot about rural blissAnd home silence.