1 Daedalus and Icarus escaped by sea -FALSE
2 Daedalus crashed because he flew too close to the coast- FALSE
3 Leonardo's flying machine had wings and pedals-TRUE
4 Leonardo launched his machine from Monte Ceceri in Italy-FALSE
5 Lilienthal studied the flying of birds-TRUE
6 The Wright brothers ran a small car factory-FALSE.
Я не могу слышать ветер
я не могу слышвть ветер
побежали домой
побежали домой
побежали домой
я не могу слышать дождь
я не могу слышать дождь
побежали домой
я не могу видеть шторм
побежали домой
слушай Я не могу слышать ветер
слушай я не могу слышать дождь
смотри я не могу видеть шторм
смотри я могу видеть солнце
пошли играть
You musn't smoke there
you mustn't come with animals
You must keep your dog on lead
you must keep left
you mustn't ride a bike in the gardens
you must clean up after your dog
I am pupil/ she is a clever girl/ you are a good girl
Jobs, the visionary founder of Apple, had sensed an inevitable immediate
threat. Cellphones. The mobile technology was evolving rapidly, there
was a vast unexplored market and a number of consumer electronic giants
were researching in that space. Jobs knew it was only time before
someone developed a software and made the phones double as entertainment