1. I would go shopping if the shops were open.
2. I would order a lemonade if they had it.
3. Our neighbours would help if we asked to.
4. If I needed a book of astronomy I would go to the library.
5. If he spoke English he wouldn't need a translator.
Номер 2
4-True (но это не точно) потому, что там написано Hippogriff are magnificent CREATURES. И у них орлиные крылья, а тело как у лошадя.
номер 3
1.Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy, until he gets a special letter
2. Harry Potter's school is called Hogwarts
3.Centaurs are half man and half horse.
4. The hom has got magical powers
5. Phoenix live for 100 years
6. The tears can help people when they get hurt
7. Hippogriff have got the head, front legs and wings of an eagle, and the body and legs of the horse.
8. Hippogriff called Buckbeak is Harry's loyal friend.
Разница в смысле между инфинитивом с частицей to и "инговой" формой
Некоторые глаголы при употреблении с разными формами других глаголов меняют свой смысл.
Различие тут, правда, очень тонкое. Forget, если он один, означает "не помнить" (как, например, в выражении "я не помню, что было 3 года назад"), а с инфинитивом другого глагола означает уже "забыть" (в данном примере - забыть купить молоко).
Summer vacation - this is the most wonderful three months, which can be made as you want. One may want to meet up with friends, read any books, travel or go to the grandparents and get to know the children who live there. Summer holidays mean that you can sleep all you want, and then all you want to drive the ball in the yard or to sew doll clothes, sitting with friends on a blanket spread out in the yard. And yet - you can eat ice cream every day.Summer vacation - a dip in the river or in the lake, and if lucky, and in the sea. The sea in the summer is always such a fabulous, fantastic colors. And nakupatsya impossible enough, always want more and more.