1 Vocabulary: patterns
Choose the correct word,
1 Chips go with everything, don't they?
2 I'll pay for your lunch.
3 We waited half an hour for our food to come,
4 Is ice cream made from milk?
5 This beef comes from Argentina.
6 The pizza looked like a person's face!
3 Vocabulary: word formation
Complete the words.
1 'Carla never remembers anything. She's very forgetful.
2 'Elaine's got lots of energy. She's very energetic.
3 "Razor's always happy. He's very cheerful.
4 'Rod's very good at sport. He's very athletic.
5 'Harrison's very good at drawing. He's very artistic.
6 'Bianca always thinks about other people's feelings.
She's very thoughtful.
1)computer games are liked very much by children
2) nature is protected all over the world by people
3) the Moscow Zoo is often visited by my family
I've always loved to travel. My first memories of traveling by train. Kotelnich. Night. Fog. Cool.
We are waiting for the train Adler - Vorkuta. Suddenly in the night the horn of the train is heard. Everyone begins to worry. The train costs only a minute. We must get to the car. Show tickets and have time to jump into the car. Feeling the joy that we had. Get the laundry and go to bed. When I became an adult, I had to travel a lot around the country. It was on cars, trains, planes, helicopters, rafting on a boat. But the childhood memory of the adventure, always with me. I still sometimes pass by the railway station, I want to get out. To buy a ticket. Get on the train. And somewhere to go.
Послушайте и повторите. Вспомните другие слова с этими звуками.
Долгая "у" /u:/ <em>glue - клей</em>, <em>blue - синий</em>, mood - настроение, true - правда, clue - улика
Краткая "а" /Λ/ <em>cut - порез</em>, <em>such - такой</em>, <em>much - много</em>, cup - кружка, nut - орех, lux - люкс
Скорее всего будет словосочетание: Cinema Club, если смущает то замени предложением People that are interested in the cinema.