<span>Russian schools differ in the number and length of breaks. For example lunch they took 1 hour. Lessons end at 16 00. Students sit one . They go to each lesson in a different class. The school is a support group and various departments.</span>
I watch,write,read
We watch,write,read
You watch,write,read
They watch,write,read
He watches,writes,reads
She watches,writes,reads
It watches,writes,reads
Has ulan got a skateboard
Yes he have
Has Dana got a dog
Yes he have
Have Dana and Ulan got a goldfish
Yes they have
Have Dana and Ulan got scarves
NO They havent
1. I saw my best friend three months ago.
2. I went to a wedding last summer.
3. I stayed up all night
4. I went on holiday last month.
5. I cooked a meal for some friends last night.
6. I spent the day with my sister on Monday.
Animals in Danger<span><span>Today, hundreds of animal species are in danger of becoming extinct.<span> </span>It is important to look after animals and save their habitat. We need to do everything to protect them and keep the earth clean. And everybody can help. There are many organisations that try to help animals. World Wide Fund for Nature is an international organisation. It collects money to help protect animals and their habitats. Check their web-side to find out how you can become a member and help them. You can adopt animals. There are many web pages, where you can find information about animals' adoption.</span><span>But you can also help by choose not to wear animals’ skin, not to buy ornaments or jewellery made out of animals and keep the world clean and green.</span></span>