Братья Гримм "Белоснежка и семь гномов"
School, books, teacher, class, pencil, black
1a2an3the4the5the6an7the8the (A)
1a2-3a 4the5the6-7a8a9the10a(B)
Весна-Я люблю весну. Это прекрасное время года. Весна приходит и природа просыпается от зимней спячки. Дни становятся длиннее, а ночи становятся короче. Земля покрыта свежей зеленой травой и появляются первые весенние цветы.
Осень-Прошло лето. Становится уже холоднее. На улице темнеет раньше. Пришла осень. Но это не худшее время года. Осень красива: все цветное вокруг: листья становятся желтыми и красными.
Were visitors waiting patiently in the reception room? (общий)
The visitors were waiting patiently in the reception room or in the cabinet? (альтернативный)
Who were waiting patiently in the reception room? (специальный)
The visitors were waiting patiently in the reception room, weren't they? (разделительный)
Was expedition heading to the North Pole? (общий)
The expedition was heading to the North Pole or to the America? (альтернативный)
What was heading to the North Pole? (специальный)
The expedition was heading to the North Pole, wasn't it? (разделительный)
Were children making a sandcastel on the bich? (общий)
The children were making a sandcastel on the bich or in the sandbox? (альтернативный)
Who were making a sandcastel on the bich? (специальный)
The children were making a sandcastel on the bich, weren't they? (разделительный)
Were sportmen warming up for half an hour? (общий)
The sportmen were warming up for half an hour or an hour? (альтернативный)
Who were warming up for half an hour? (специальный)
The sportmen were warming up for half an hour, weren't they? (разделительный)
Was teacher leading a small group? (общий)
The teacher was leading a small group or a biggest? (альтернативный)
Who was leading a small group? (специальный)
The teacher was leading a small group, wasn't he? (разделительный)
А вот ноготки на ручках нужно стричь))