It is three oclock, it is a quarter<span> to seven, it is a quarter past nine, it is twenty five minutes after two, it is ten minutes to seven, it is five minutes past five, it is ten minutes past four, it is a half past eight. Если нужно, могу объяснить принцип перевода, если хочешь)</span>
Ireland is famous for its contributions to world literature. (Ирландия славится своим вкладом в мировую литературу.)
- Правильный ответ С
1. It is situated in Oceania;
2. Not really, but it's beautiful;
3. There are kivis, tuatra, moa, etc.;
4. The flightless native bird, the kiwi, represents New Zealand, but it has no official status as a symbol;
5. English is mostly spoken in New Zealand.
Ответ: 2. On 29 September
3. 11
4. In the park in front of the house
5. 6
6. Behind the tree
7. In a box opposite the table
8. Birthday cake on a chair