В изучении природы он был последователем Бекона Веруламского<span>, противником схоластической философии</span><span> и давал предпочтение опыту перед умозрением; иногда это направление мешало ему делать обобщения смысла замеченных им явлений. Весьма важный физический закон сжатия газов, который носит теперь его имя (закон Бойля - Мариотта</span><span>), остался бы, может быть, незамеченным Бойлем, если б не первоначальное указание его ученика Ричарда Таунли</span><span> на правильность сжатия газов с увеличением давления в опытах Бойля.
<span>In the study of nature , he was a follower of Bacon of Verulam , opponent scholastic philosophy and gave preference to the experience of speculation ; sometimes this direction prevented him from making a generalized sense of the phenomena seen . A very important physical law compression of gases, which now bears his name ( Boyle - Mariotte ) would remain , perhaps unnoticed Boyle , if not the original designation of his pupil Richard Townley for proper compression of gases with increasing pressure in the experiments Boyle</span>
<span>перевод слова modern- современное....................</span>
1. Nowdays a lot of people think that hero is a film caracter because of American films.
2.Heros safe people's lives, risk their own lives. Heroes don't ask for money, they just happy to help people.
3. They enjoy it because they feel themselves special and important.
4. For me hero is not a film charecter. In everyday live we have lots of heroes, for example doctors, nurce, firefighters and so on.
G: Hi? Paul. When did you start windsurfing?
A: I started for the summer holidays two years ago. My family went to Italy during two weeks and I had lessons there.
Q: Now that it's warm, you can go windsurfing again. What did you do during the winter?
A: Most of the time I was at school. I wanted to go somewhere warm for the holidays, just during a few days but it was too expensive. I went windsurfing I did it during about five minutes then I fell ...