<span>The first poem of the poet was written in 1814.</span>
<span>At the moment we are waiting for our counsellor.
are we </span><span>waiting for our counsellor at the moment.
</span>are we waiting for our counsellor or director <span>at the moment.
</span>who is <span>waiting for our counsellor at the moment.
who are we waiting for </span><span>at the moment.
</span>why are we <span>waiting for our counsellor at the moment.</span>
13don't you agree
14does this mean
15I don't understand
16I never agree
17He knows
18They are watching
This area is quite expensive to live in.
Правила слогов: http://fastenglishstudy.ru/slogi-v-anglijskom-jazike-i-6-pravil-slogodelenija.html
Насчёт вашего слова, нашла ответ, что в английском языке в слове столько слогов, сколько в нем гласных ЗВУКОВ, а не букв. В слове young /jʌŋ/ один гласный звук - ʌ, так что и слог один.