1.What songs do you sing at this holiday?
2 What holidays do you celebrate with your family as well?
Programmist, Teacher, Policeman, Engeneer, Builder, Kybersportsmen, foot (wolley, basket...) baller
In our modern world, many different professions. It is difficult to say what kind of job especially for men and for women, but such professions are. I believe that the division should be. We used to see men in such occupations as:fire, police, military, electric, pilot. Women do we see the role of Housewives, accountants, cooks, teachers, doctors. Men are required to perform more complex, difficult, dangerous work. Nowadays girls often go on to work in the police, military service. In my opinion this is wrong, because it is a very dangerous profession, and girls at risk.
<span>Now try to profession were equal for men and women. It is important that the employee is able to cope with their work, and no matter what he floor. People try to choose the most prestigious job. For example, girls can be a great police officers, and men of good cooks. I agree that people should work in the direction that it is better is in which it can to prove myself. </span>
<span>Better when a complex profession are men, but if the girls are coping with them is not worse than men, then why not?</span>
1.[t] helped,
2.[d] played,
<span>3.[id] wanted,
1.Если слово оканчивается на глухую или шипящую согласную, то произносим [t].
2.Если слово оканчивается на звонкую согласную или гласную, то произносим [d]
3. <span>Если слово оканчивается на -t или -d, то окончание -ed будет читаться как [ɪd]</span>
Три тысячи лет назад великие мореплаватели из Полинезии открыли множество островов в Тихом океане. Однако затем по непонятным причинам их путешествия прекратились на долгое время. Моане, бесстрашной шестнадцатилетней дочери вождя племени Мотунуи, не дает покоя мысль о том, почему ее племени нельзя уплывать дальше рифа, окружающего их остров. Моана решает помочь своему народу вернуться к мореплаванию. Объединившись с полубогом Мауи, девушка отправляется в невероятное путешествие в открытый океан. Впереди героев ожидают встречи со странными существами, чудеса и множество приключений.
Three thousand years ago, great mariners from Polynesia discovered many islands in the Pacific. However, for unknown reasons, their travels stopped for a long time. Moane, the fearless sixteen-year-old daughter of the leader of the Motunui tribe, wonders why her tribe cannot be sailed further than the reef surrounding their island. Moana decides to help his people return to navigation. Teaming up with the demigod Maui, the girl goes on an incredible journey into the open ocean. Ahead of the heroes expect to meet with strange creatures, wonders and many adventures.