Ответ:Перевод: Он не идет в школу по воскресеньям
У нас в школе часто проводиться награждение «Юный учёный» он проходит среди учеников разных классов по равному рангу раз в месяц . Что бы получить награду нужно быть умным и знать всё всё . Даже ученик 4 класса смог выиграть ученика 5 класса . Что бы подать заявку на участие нужно было сдать экзамен и показать свой рейтинг . Так вот сегодня тот день когда начинается 5 церемония награждения «юного учёного» .
1 место достаётся ученице 9 класса Ли Софии она сражалась с достойным противником который побеждал 3 раза подряд в этой церемонии . Ли София первая девятиклассница которая смогла выиграть в этой церемонии теперь она попала в список почётных ученых школы .
Перевод :
In our school, the award “Young Scientist” is often held. It is held among students of different classes in the same rank once a month. To receive a reward you need to be smart and know everything. Even a 4th grade student was able to win a 5th grade student. To apply for participation, you had to pass an exam and show your rating. So today is the day when the 5th awarding ceremony of the "young scientist" begins.
1st place goes to a student of grade 9 Lee Sofia, she fought with a worthy opponent who won 3 times in a row in this ceremony. Lee Sophia is the first ninth grader to win this ceremony. Now she is on the list of honorary scholars of the school.
1. This translation was not done by the students yesterday.
Перевод (не) был сделан учениками вчера.
2. Her<span>articles are not often published in the magazine.
Её статьи часто (не) печатаются в журнале.
3. The article was not translated by me.
Статья (не) была переведена мной.
4. She was not given a few articles to translate.
<span>Ей (не) дали несколько статей для перевода.
</span><span>5. The words were not reviewed by her twice
Cлова (не) были пересмотрены ей дважды.
Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму .
6. St. Petersburg was founded by Peter I.
Was St. Petersburg founded by Peter I?
7. London is situated on the river Thames [temz].
Is London situated on the river Thames?
8. The house was surrounded by a high wall.
Was the house surrounded by a high wall?
9. The room is cleaned every day.
Is the room cleaned every day?</span>
Dear friend,
i am glad that you wrote to me previous letter.In our days lots of people use fast food,they think that it's normal food,but unfortunately this food is very bad for our health( But some years ago people used other food.they liked food that was prepared by their parents or buy themselves!
People forget that there is other food and we can eat better.But why do people use fast food? Be cause in our days.in our modern life we have a little time....so...we don't have time to prepare food.
Modern world is changing and unfortunately fastfood become usual thing!