1. I am going to have a shower when I get home. 2. Julia is going to live in our house while we will be away. 3. I'll stay here till he comes. 4. I can't talk to you now. I will talk to you when I have more time. 5. When I am in London, I am going to visit the British Museum. 6. We'll be late if you don't hurry. 7. Is it ok if I close the window? 8. I will be surprised if he comes. 9. John is still at school. When he leaves school, he wants to go to university. 10. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we can go swimming.
1) I
have never seen such a big apple.
2) I
have never seen such __ old trees.
3) I
have never eaten such __ hot soup.
He missed the last bus again.
It happened __ last week.
They are in __ North America for the first time.
7) The
weather in the south of Russia is sunny and warm.
8) I
don't like such __ rainy weather.
What a comfortable kitchen!
What __ terrible weather we are having!
3. Write the plural<span>. – <em>напиши во множественном числе</em></span></span>
I am 15year old girl and I have very strict parents.They don*t like it when I go out to meet my friends.They know very well that I am a responsible child but they are always so overprotective.I love them but they kill my social life.I never have freedom.I always have to be there when they call me.I let my friends down.I don*t go to their birthday parties or to the cinema.I*m also afraid of losing them,I feel depressed and stupid over it.I can*t wait until I*m 18nto do what I want to.Please help.
What*s Ann*s problem?-She has strict parents.
What should Ann do?-She should wait for her 18th birthday.She should to her parents about her social life.
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Смотря как например я утром пришла в школу было тепло и был четверг прошли уроки и я пошла домой я пришла победа и села за уроки наступил вечер. и я сажусь читать или помогать маме