English naval officer, explorer, cartographer and discoverer, a member of the Royal Society and the Royal Navy captain. Headed three expeditions to study the oceans, all were circumnavigations. During these expeditions made a number of geographical discoveries. Explored and mapped the little-known and rarely visited him to Newfoundland and the east coast of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the west coast of North America, the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Thanks to the attention that Cook gave cartography, many of them drawn maps of their precision and accuracy were not surpassed for decades and served as the Mariners until the second half of the XIX century.
Надевает эта крошка
Платье красное в горошек.
И летать умеет ловко
Какая коровка, скажите, пока
Ещё никому не дала молока?
Красненькие крылышки, черные горошки.
Кто это гуляет по моей ладошке?
Спал цветок и вдруг проснулся –
Больше спать не захотел.
Шевельнулся, встрепенулся,
Взвился вверх и улетел
Утром ползает,
В полдень недвижимо,
А вечером летает
Червяком она была,
Только ела да спала.
Потеряла аппетит,
Смотришь - по небу летит
1.do - h) puzzles
2.go - c) on trips
3.perform- i) a play
4.ride -b) a bike
5.take- f) photos
6.compete- e) in swimming
7.spend- d) spare time
Я конечно не американец... с грамматикой и фантазией и т.д у меня проблемы, но вот тебе рассказец.
One girl named Lucy suffered a disease because of which she could not sing and just talk for a long time. But her dream was to become a singer, because she still sang beautifully, even though it hurts. She was in the hospital all the time, and soon she was offered a choice of doctors - to do the surgery, but then never sing or she will die because of progressive disease. She was in tears and runs away, she meets a lonely young man sitting quietly in the ward which pluck the strings of the guitar. She decides to talk to him and they became friends, their united the music. They became very close, he lay there after the accident, and him was painful to play, as his arm is hurts hand but he played for her, and she softly sang to him. they they fell in love. But one day, she stopped coming to him in the ward, he was very lonely and he decided to ask the doctors what had happened to the girl Lucy. It turned out that Lucy had an operation and everything gone well. After a long time hers restore, they meet again, but already not in the hospital. He plays her guitar and she sings him in a loud beautifully voice.