Children should respect their parents.
It was difficult to find the way home.
English has a lot of words of Latin origin.
Mary wants to visit major Greek cities.
Я ем кашу. мама варит суп. папа смотрит телевизор. сестра собирается гулять. бабушка вяжет мне носки.
1) S is for Sunshine to brighten the spring.
Warming the water, the earth, everything.
2) P is for Posies with colours so bright
Reds, yellows, purples, Oh! What a sight!
3) R is for Raindrops that splash all about
Wetting the earth, so that new life can sprout.
4) I is for Insects that flit through the air.
And tha grasshoppers, beetles, and ants everywhere.
5) N is for Noises I hear when I wake,
The chirping of birds and the laughs children make.
6) G is for Growth that I see around me.
The plants and the animals ... Spring is lovely!
2)Max or Sue
3)She or He