Hi Nick,
I'm having a party to celebrate the end of the school exams. The party is at 8 p.m. next Saturday, (напишите дату), at the Vesuvius Club. Would you like to come? Lots of people from my school are coming. You know some of them - Boris, Peter, Tanya and Denis.
The Vesuvius Club is two blocks away from my house, 25 Naberezhnaya Street.
Could you bring some lemonade and crisps?
I hope you can come and see you soon,
(ваше имя)
I live in a small flat, so the kitchen is also quite small. During daytime it is very bright with a lot of natural light. By the window there is a square dining table with 3 chairs.
My kitchen is equipped with all modern appliances. So, there is a microwave, stove, oven, dishwasher, electric kettle and fridge with a freezer.In the corner there is a double kitchen sink with a tap. Along the wall there are cupboards with cups, plates and other kitchenware.Pots, frying pans and other small electric appliances are also kept in the cupboards. There are a few potted plants on the windowsill. There is a picture on the wall and curtains on the window.I always keep my kitchen clean and tidy because I spend a lot of time here cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Перевод на всякий случай
Я живу в небольшой квартире, поэтому кухня в ней также небольшого размера. Днем она очень светлая, в нее попадает много естественного света. У окна стоит квадратный обеденный стол с 3 стульями.Моя кухня оснащена всеми современными удобствами. В ней есть микроволновая печь, плита, духовка, посудомоечная машина, электрический чайник и холодильник с морозильной камерой.В углу установлена двойная раковина с краном. Вдоль стены висят шкафы, в которых хранятся чашки, тарелки и другие кухонные принадлежности.Кастрюли, сковородки и небольшие кухонные электроприборы также хранятся в шкафах. На подоконнике стоят несколько цветов в горшках. На одной из стен висит картина, а окна украшены шторами.Я всегда поддерживаю порядок и чистоту на кухне, потому что я провожу здесь много времени, готовлю завтрак, обед и ужин.
I have never been to North America.
Have you seen Nelson's Column, yet ?
Has Jenny ever used a bilingual dictionary?
We have just learned some international words.
Jason has already met some people from Australia.
1. On Monday morning, at 8 o'clock a.m. Robert and his friends met at school, and had lessons together.
2. They had lunch break from 11:30 till 12:00.
3. After school Robert and his friends went to the cinema from 17p.m. till 19p.m.
4. They played football together since 9 p.m. till 10 p.m.
They had great time together!
<span>What beautiful waterfall is situated in the US? Niagara