Не соглашусь с этим мнением.смотря если про какой Язык мы говорим если английский То от части это правда.
Обратите степени сравнения прилагательных good, cold, strong, easy, happy, wonderful, nia, hot, bag, famous, beautiful, tall.
Андрей Владимиров...
good- better -best
cold - colder- coldest
strong -stronger- strongest
easy -easier- easiest
happy- happier- happiest
wonderful -more wonderful - the most wonderful
hot- hotter- hottest
near -nearer -nearest
famous- more famous -the most famous
beautiful -more beautiful- the most beautiful
tall- taller- tallest
Water polo is a water sport. People throw a ball around and have fun. My friend loves water polo, so I did a research for him. And you know what? I found heaps of information. Water polo is super, decided I for myself.
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