9 Надо ответить на вопросы
1 I eat out twice a week. я обедаю вне дома дважды в неделю
2 I constantly go to the pissa-in. Я постоянно хожу в пицца ин
1 fast food
2 Vegetarians
3 dish
4 food allergy
5 snack
6 Vegans
7 noodles
8 A chef
The most popular souvenir of our country is a nested doll. Children especially love this toy. Since Russia is famous for its freezing cold, the second most famous souvenir is a hat with earflaps and warm scarves. And of course, many tourists bring vodka to their countries from Russia, because you will not find such anywhere else.
Самый популярный сувенир нашей страны - это матрешка. Особенно дети любят эту игрушку. Так, как Россия знаменита совим холодом, то второй самый известный сувенир - это шапка ушанка и теплые шарфы. И конечно же много туристов везут в свои страны из россии водку, потому что такуюнигде больше не найдешь.
The beautiful capital of the Ukraine is situated on the famous Dnieper
River. It is one of the oldest cities. Its history dates back to the
sixth century. Kiev museums exhibited many ancient articles at the
Metropolitan Museum of </span>New York
Fortune cookies are always served in Chinese restaurants. But they didn't come from China. The real origin of fortune cookies is unknown, because a lot of immigrants from California claim to have popularized them in the early 20th century, basing their recipe on a traditional Japanese cracker.