new book has just been published by them</span>
С сияющим солнцем
Это идеальное время, чтобы сделать солнечные часы
Как это сделать:
1. Pучкой сделайте отверстие сбоку сверху, примерно пять сантиметров сверху.
2. Положитe маленькие камни в чашку и накрыть крышкой.
3. Сделайте отверстие в крышке.
Как это использовать:
1. В солнечный день положите солнечные часы на землю в месте, где нет деревьев и здания поблизости.
2. Найдите север в компасе и направить солому на север.
3. В 10 утра посмотрите, где тень на соломе лежит на крышке. Сделайте отметку с помощью ручки.
4. Cделайте то же самое в 11 часов утра, а затем каждый час до 15 часов.
5. На следующий день посмотрите на тень и скажите время. Ваши солнечные часы правильны?
My mom works in accounting - an Accountant is a professional working for a company and responsible for recording all financial aspects related to all kinds of taxes, income and expenses, budgets, and many other things.
Ты переведи, если понравится, можешь добавить что-нибудь свое)))
<span>1. When we walked farther down the road, we met another group of students. 2. Have you got any money on you? — I'm sorry. I have very little money at the moment. 3. At the Conference we met some people whom we knew well. 4. There are very beautiful old houses left in our street. Most of them have already been pulled down. 5. If you have some spare time, look through this book. You will find some stories there which are rather interesting. 6. There are few things here which I cannot understand. 7. Shall I bring some more chalk? — No, thank you. There is some chalk on the desk. I hope that will be enough for our lesson. 8. He had few English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books. 9. She gave him some water to wash his hands and face. 10. I'd like to say few words about my journey. 11. After the play everybody felt a bit tired. 12. Let's stäy here a bit longer: it is such a nice place. 13. Were there any new words in the text? Did Peter spend any time learning them? 14. There was no any hay in the barn, and the children could play there. 15. My friend is going to the concert this evening because he hasn't got any work to do. 16. My mother knows German a bit and she can help you with the translation of this letter. 17. He's got very little time left. If he doesn't hurry up, he'll miss the plane. 18. I have very little drinking water left.</span>