1-c 2-e 3-d 4g 5-f 6a 7-b
1A marble pavilion protects the house.-Мраморный павильон защищает дом. The house is protected by marble pavilion.-Дом защищен мраморным павильоном
2. не знаю
3.Tom Sawyer whitewashed the fence.-Том Сойер побелил забор. The fence was whitewashed by Tom Sawyer.-Забор был побелен Томом Сойером.
4.The waves carried the boat away. -Волны уносили лодку прочь. The boat was carried by waves away-Лодку унесло волнами прочь
5.не знаю
1. Ученые изучают течения Черного моря. Сказуемое - are studying, видо-временная форма - present continouous, залог active
2. Сигнал [светофора] только что сменился в зеленого на красный. Сказуемое - has changed, видо-временная форма - present perfect, залог active
3 Двигатель Стивенсона был изобретен в первой половине 19-го века. Сказуемое - was invented, видо временая форма past simple, залог passive
4. Телеграмму отправят завтра. Сказуемое will be sent, видо-временная форма - future simple. залог passive
I dare all that is possible to man, who dares not more than one perso.
is the city of great variety, ranging from the nerrow medieval street-patterns of the City to the spacious
neo-classical squares of Belgravia. People working in London tend to live
further away from their workplace than those in other city, in spite of that
fact, the mojority<span> of London homes do
not own a car. London has a dramatically higher levels of use of public
transport as more people choose to avoid driving in the capital's traffic jams
and where access to the centre is strictly limited and parking is almost