Мэри ответила-где живёт джон?
хэлен ответила мне-на сколько долго вы живёте здесь?
мистэр смит ответил-ты понимаешь это упражнение?
я ответил джону-сколько времени?
он ответил мне-на сколько медленно мы идём?
она ответила-где ты так долго?
он ответил мне-что за слово загадано?
я ответил-что читаешь в этой книге?
он ответил мне-какой день сегодня?
я ответил ему-джон здесь?
она ответила им-вам нравится моя новая кепка?
я ответил им-где мы?
1. Turning off power when not in use will help solve the problem of wasting energy.
2. Protecting endangered species will help solve the problem of animals facing extinctions.
3. Planting trees will help solve the problem of deforestation.
4. Cleaning up beaches will help solve the problem of polluted beaches.
5. Using public transport will help solve the problem of air pollution in cities.
<span>Боже мой, сказала Мэри Поппинс Я имею Day Out! Чем ты планируешь заняться ? спросил ее Match-Man. Мы идем в парк, Арен, т мы? улыбнулась Мэри. Мэри Поппинс и ее Фринд Mathc -Man шли вместе в маленьком парке. Вдруг они увидели зеленый стол. Был днем чай! Куча малина-JAM-пирожных стояла в центре стола. Вы хотите ро сесть, сударыня? спросил голос. Они повернулись и нашли высокий мужчина в черном пальто приходя LUT парка с салфеткой через руку. Я, м официанта, вы знаете! сказал человек в черном пальто. выиграл, т вы сидите на рассвете? сказал Maty Поппинс, вежливо.</span>
Про Юру который живет в москве играет в банбинтом с папой и сестрой он и хорошо плавает ест полезную еду и не ест чипсы и гамбургеры
1. I asked my friend to help me.
2. I was asked to help him.
3. The teacher gave the students a difficult task.
4. Students were given a difficult task.
5. We often discuss important issues at home.
6. Important issues we discuss at home.
7. Tomorrow she will finish this work.
8; This work will be finished tomorrow.
9. She told us the truth.
10. We were told the truth.
11. Sometimes he forgets to buy bread.
12. Why this is often forgotten?
13. He will return the book on time.
14. The book will be returned on time.
15. These houses were built two years ago.
16. Mother doesn't allow them to play in the street.
17. They are not allowed to play in the street.
18. When will the letters be sent?
19. They will meet us at the station.
<span>20. Where we will be met?
</span>1. When did you write this article?
2. When this article was written<span>?
</span>3. He was awakened late.
4. Mom woke him up late.
B. She always asks a lot of questions.
6. During lectures a lot of questions are asked.
7. The boys will have a wonderful day.
8. The day will be spent fine.
9. Fruit was eaten yesterday.
10. When did you break the vase?
11. I had fish for lunch.
12. Where did you buy this dress?
13. He always corrects the mistakes.
14. All mistakes will be corrected.
15. I keep my drawings in the table.
16. Where are the documents kept?
17. The boy was showed (shown) to the doctor.
18. Who was showed (или shown) to the doctor?
19. He gave a bone to the dog.
20. What was given the dog<span>?
1. A tape recorder will be repaired in (или on) time.
2. Books will be put on the shelf.
3. Who will do this work?
4. When will this work be done?
5. I'll buy a car.
6. Where did you buy this machine?
7. I was met at the station.
8. Next week we will write the test.
9. What was written in the letter?
10. We forgot to close the door.
11. The doors were closed.
12. The flowers will be cut and put in a vase.
13. Where are these magazines sold?
14. When will our dictations be checked?
15. He washed the floor an hour ago.
16. The floor was washed an hour ago.
17. How will this task be done?
18. He won't be given these papers (или documents).
19. We weren't shown a new film.
<span>20. He showed us his room.</span>