Dear ...,
Thanks for your letter! How are you? I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, I’ve been busy with my exams.
In your letter you ask me about sport competitions in my school. A lot of competitions take place in my school: football, volley-ball, running and swimming. If you want to become a member of any sport team, it’s very easy. Just tell your PE teacher about your will and you are in! At school you also can attend tennis and basketball sections. As for the sections in town, you can join boxing and karate sections.
Now about your sister’s birthday! Where did the party take place? How many people did she invite? What presents did she get?
I’m sorry I have to finish up, my friend is waiting for me to go to the cinema. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes,
Fortune cookies are always served in Chinese restaurants. But they didn't come from China. The real origin of fortune cookies is unknown, because a lot of immigrants from California claim to have popularized them in the early 20th century, basing their recipe on a traditional Japanese cracker.
I love dancing, and that's my hobby. Also I like singing and I can sing very well. But there are things that I don't like. For example - watch TV. I think that's bad for me because I can become bad student.
Вряд ли найдётся страна в мире, где такое большое разнообразие флоры и фауны можно найти как на нашей земле. В нашей стране большое количество лесов, равнин и степей, тайги и тундры, высокогорья и пустыни. Самые высокие горы на нашей земле Алтая, Урала и Кавказа. Насчитывается свыше двух тысяч рек Российской Федерации. Самая длинные из них Волга, Обь, Енисей, Лена и Амур. Наша земля богата различными озёрами, самое глубокое озеро в мире, Байкал.
На территории Росси насчитывается 11 часовых поясов. Климатические условия достаточно разные: от арктических и умеренно континентальных и субтропических. Наша страна одна из самых богатых стран природных ресурсов: нефть, природный газ, уголь, различных руд, чёрных и цветных металлов и других полезных ископаемых.