<span>Пожалуйста положи мою кашу в красивую маленькую тарелочку.
Я мне нравится она на завтрак. И я люблю ее она хорошая и горячая.
Каша с овсом, каша с овсом вкуснее чем может быть.
Каша с овсом, каша с овсом, Единственная еда для меня.</span>
Твой город,
05 February, 2019
Dear George,
How are you? What are you doing?
I'm all good. Now I sat and remembered how a week ago we were all together. We had a great time. Did you like it? I would like to go with you again. And you? I really like being around you because it's fun and interesting. You are all good friends. I miss everyone.
Send regard to all. I would be glad to see you all soon.
With love,
твоё имя.
Класть put put
есть eat ate
видеть see saw
посылать send sent
давать give gave
думать think through
1. Please show us what you have written.
2. Can you tell them when the concert starts?
3. Do you know which language he can speak?
4. We don't know who has done it.
5. None of them knows whose car is that
6. Can you tell me where he lives?
7. We don't know when the train arrives.
8. I'm going to tell you why I like this place.
9. Who can tell me how to get to the center?
10. Do you want to know how many exams we will have?
11. Can you see who is singing?
12. Please tell us what you know about John Lennon.
13. Please tell them that the shop will be closed tomorrow.