There is no doll. There is no lion. There is no dog.
1. Mary had a party evening yesterday.
2. your mother left a message for you twenty minutes ago
3. we bought a new carpet last week
4. he met her at the theatre the day before yesterday
5. they went to Australia last year
6. we didn't stay a hotel last summer
7. he didn't go to the dentist last year
8. my friend bought a car last month
9. billy repaired his bicycle last week
An airplane is faster than a bus
A hotel is more comfortable than a motel
The weather was fine yesterday
there were many beautiful flowers
my childreb were in the garden and my holi husband was at work
there were many beautiful flowers
she was not ill yesterday
На світі є багато різних цікавих професій! Може це банально,але я хочу стати танцюристкою.Завжди коли я засинаю мені сниться,що я у гарному костюмі перед сотнями глядачів, танцюю самбу,або кон темп,та навіть народні танці.Адже це так весело дарувати людям свій танець від душі, і чути ці оплески,які звучать тільки для тебе.Я надіюся моя мрія здійсниться.
Таке підійде?