1)His hair is darker than her hair
2)Eyes Jane is more beautiful than the eyes
1. What do you usually do after school?
2. At the moment Peter is playing in his room.
3. Does he have a new car?
4. He never wears a hat.
5. He doesn’t like black coffee.
6. Now we are having a good time in Spain.
7. What are you doing now?
8. It is raining at the moment.
9. Do you like the game?
<span>1.Steve ..can. speak English, French and Italian. Стив может говорить по англ. фран. и итал.
2) You..might. ask him to help with the translation. Ты мог бы попросить его помочь с переводом.
3) Mr. Smith ..should. be in his office now. You..can. call him. Гн. Смит должен быть в кабинете. Вы можете позвонить ему.
4)..May. I ask you a question? — Of course, you ..can.. Можно спросить. Да, можно.
<span>5)The students must… do their homework regularly.</span> Студенты должны постоянно делать домашку.
<span>6) You should…be more attentive at the lessons.</span> Тебе надо быть внимательней на уроках.
7) In Britain you cannot... drive a car until you are seventeen. В Англии иы не можешь водить машину до 17 лет
<span>8) You can… to take part in the competition next year.</span></span> В след году ты можешь выступать на этих соревнованиях.
Brian said that Sue would return from Moscow the following week.
Sara said that she was trying to decide where to go on holiday.
She said that she liked to travel by plane.
They said that they had visited Morocco the previous summer.
Tom said that I could stay at his home.
The boy said that it had been his best holiday ever.