Я не очень поняла тему.Может мой любимый канал?!
My name is (имя) and I’m (лет) years old. I study at the (класс)th grade of a secondary school. When I’m free,
watch my favorite channel Diskovery.. I watch this channel since childhood and I must say that thanks to it my perception of the world became richer.I’ve learned many interesting things, connected with science, technology and history. In fact, Discovery comes in many different languages. However, later it expanded into reality television and soon it became one of the best channels of non-fiction programming in the world. <span>In my opinion, such channels are not only entertaining, but highly educational.</span>
This is a well-known picture of a famous artist. In this picture we can see a family. In the foreground we can see a boy who is standing with his schoolbag in his hand. It looks as if he has just come from school. He looks sad. He must have got a bad mark again and he is not happy. The dog is trying to cheer him up, but doesn't succeed in it.
In the middle there are other members of the family. Mother and two children: a boy and a girl. The boy is riding his bike and the girl is doing her lessons. She is standing and opening a book. She might have started reading it when her brother came home. The mother seems to be upset but not angry. They all are looking at the boy. The room is rather large and light. On the right there is a big table. I think the people usually have their meals there. On the left there is a desk with a lamp on it. I suppose that children do their lessons at the desk. There are some posters on the walls and a big clock.
In the background there is another room and it looks like the room is empty. At least we can't see anybody in it. Just a flower on the window sill and a picture on the wall.
The atmosphere is peaceful and we can understand that these people love each other and are happy to be a family. The colours in this photo are not very bright, but they are realistic <span>– yellow, brown, red and white. </span>It makes me think of an ordinary flat of those days. It is clear that this is<span> a picture of a Soviet period as the girl is wearing a school uniform of those days.
I like the picture because it is very realistic and I like the expression of people's faces.</span>
Когда заканчиваются уроки, наступают выходные или каникулы, у меня никогда не возникает вопрос: чем заняться, чтобы не скучать? Мой день обычно расписан по минутам, и я только рад этому, потому что успеваю сделать очень много интересных и полезных дел.
С четырех лет я изучаю английский язык и сейчас три раза в неделю занимаюсь с преподавателем дополнительно. Я уверен, что хорошее знание иностранного языка обязательно пригодится мне в будущем.
А еще я с другом посещаю секцию каратэ. Там мы не только овладеваем приемами самообороны, но и учимся владеть собой в сложных ситуациях, развиваем собственную силу и ловкость.
По вечерам я люблю играть в компьютерные игры. У меня дома стоит компьютер, кроме того, мы с друзьями часто ходим в компьютерный клуб, чтобы играть вместе.
<span>Мне кажется, что хорошие друзья и интересные дела являются надежными защитниками от скуки и уныния. (ЭТО СМОТРЯ КАК ПРОВОДИШЬ Я К ПРИМЕРУ ДАЮ)!!!!!!!!!
1) Russian is spoken by many millions of people.
2)The window was opened by my dad 2 hours ago.
3)Our rooms are cleaned every morning.
4)Our new English textbook will be published next year.
<span>5) The letters were sent a week ago.</span>
Mark is cleverer than Sam,but he isn't the cleverest child in the form
It would better to throw it out,but it isn't the best way of solving the problem
He thinks,that Ann is more beautifull than Lisa,but Sue is the most beautifull
That soldier is braver than this one, but Ted is the bravest
It is effective to do work for a long time,but the most effective is to do it qualitative