Wild animals should not live at home. It hurts the man himself, the animal, and even the house, as a rule. In most cases, the existence of a house becomes just a slow death for the beast. It is extremely difficult to provide the animal with the right conditions for life, without disturbing others and not turning your own life into hell. <span>Difficulty with feeding. Wild animals need a diet that is adapted to the natural habitat. Fashionable owls and eagle owls need fresh mice, day-old chickens, small quails. The same diet is needed and reptiles. Other species also have their own special needs. </span><span>Issues of upbringing. It is not necessary to hope that the beast taken into the house will become as obedient as your collie or poodle. Even with dogs, the ability to train and socialize which has been developed for hundreds of generations, there are difficulties. And most wild animals are simply not cultivated. </span><span>Many wild animals can not be kept in a city apartment.
1 - They sell THEIR equipment to different countries in the world. Whose equipment do they sell to different countries in the world?
2 - WE don’t want to go anywhere for a holiday. Who doesn’t want to go anywhere for a holiday?
3 - I took A CUP off the table and gave it to Ann. What did I take off the table?
Ночь Гая Фокса это праздник, который проходит 5 ноября. Это очень интересная ночь для детей-англичан. В этот вечер они разводят
делают костры и запускают фейерверки. За несколько дней до праздника дети делают чучело. Они используют палки и солому, надевают ему шляпу и старые перчатки на палки, которые у него вместо рук. Когда Костер готов, дети или их родители устанавливают чучело на костер и поджигают его.
I would like to express my opinion about foreign languages. I know that speaking foreign language is always useful. You become smarter and more educated. At the moment I am learning English at school , I like it very much and it is popular all around the world, I want to speak it perfectly (или fluently - свободно владеть). It is used in many countries and I think it would be helpful for lots of people. Many people learn it at school, whereas others learn it with tutors. Some people learn it themselves while listening to the music.
1. trip
2. visit
3. organise
4. view
5. find
6. clear
7. past
8. joy
9. experience