Текст про лису:
A fox is a carnivorous animal, related to the dog family. It is found in brown, black, silver and grey colours. It has four legs with black paws, two large ears, strong claws and a bushy tail. It has beautiful shiny fur. It has very good sense of smell and hearing. It is mostly active at night. It lives in burrow. The foxes eat rodents, fruit, berries, rabbits, snakes, fish, birds, eggs, beetles and insects. Their average life span is 5 years.
Лиса — плотоядное животное, связанное с собачьей семьей. Она может быть коричневого, черного, серебристого и серого цвета. Она имеет четыре ноги с черными лапами, два больших уха, сильные когти и густой хвост. Она имеет красивый блестящий мех. У нее очень хорошее обоняние и слух. Она в основном активна ночью. Она живет в норе. Лисицы питаются грызунами, фруктами, ягодами, кроликами, змеями, рыбой, птицами, яйцами, жуками и насекомыми. Их средняя продолжительность жизни составляет 5 лет.
В Испании они едят поэль
В Китае они едят рис.
Русские думают картофель
Все действительно, очень хорошо!
The title of this story is "The Last Inch ". The author of this story is James Aldridge. The main character of the story is Ben , a pilot of forty -three .He gets luckily a new job. The Commercial Television Stock Company offers him a job . They pay a thousand dollars for every five hundred feet of shark film. So Ben takes his son with him and flies to a little desert island in the Red Sea where the water along the coast is always filled with good -sized sharks .Ben's son is ten years old and he is a quiet shy boy .Unfortunately a huge tiger shark attacks Ben while filming sharks . His body is bleeding mess after shark's attack. He losts his consciousness. Ben isn't able to fly the plane back so his son has to do it .Only once had Ben shown the boy how to fly a plane and explained that it was the last inch above the ground that mattered if the plane was going to crash while landing or not
(Пишу что надо вставить)
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5. Every country is
6. To think about your
7. Not to go out
8. Warned you to be careful
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