<span>Georgy Zhukov was a marshal and a Soviet military <u>leader</u> in the Great
Patriotic War (1941—1945), the hardest war of the twentieth <u>century</u>. In
his book Georgy Zhukov wrote about most important battles of the war, about
soldiers and their <u>actions</u> in difficult situations; he wrote about the <u>troubles</u>
that the war brought to the country; he wrote how hard people worked at
factories and plants to achieve the only aim— victory.
2) Svetlana Savitskava is a pilot and engineer. She went to <u>space</u> in
1982 and in 1984. She was the first woman <u>cosmonaut</u> who walked in space.
For her <u>courage </u>Svetlana Savitskava got many awards, the most important
one was <u>Hero</u> of the Soviet Union.
3) Lev Landau was a great <u>scientist</u>. His experiments helped to <u>develop</u> different
spheres in Physics.
4) Raisa Kravtseva is a doctor from Kursk; she got the National Medical Prize Prizuanie
in 2009. Her works help to <u>treat</u> many patients with blood <u>diseases</u>.
5) Arseny Gorokhov is an engineer and <u>inventor</u>. He <u>invented</u> personal
computer in 1968 but few people in the world know about it.
<span> Charles Dickens was from <span>Portsmouth, England.</span></span>
В данном упражнении, надо вставить слова в предложениях. 1.What is your favourite singer? 2.Why do you like him/her? 3.How often instrument do you play? 4. Where do you buy music-at a shop or on the internet? 5. When do you listen to music-during the day or in the evening?
3. The ship sank because the engineer didn't call for help until it was already
sinking. 4. The reason I get fat is that I'm always tasting things while I'm cooking. _right_ 5. How is Jennifer? Has her health improved? 6. You're quite right, I completely agree with you. 7. What did you do after you left school? 8. Now I understand what you're trying to say! __right__ 9. I can't imagine why you believe all those rumours. 10. Martin was looking forward to a peaceful weekend, when his brother arrived with all his friends from the football club.11. Philippa heard the result of the election as she was driving to work. So she phoned me when she got there. _right_ 12. Oh, I'm so sorry, I've spilt some tea. Where do you keep the paper towels?
Жюль Верн жил в Нанте - на западном побережье Франции. Он оставил море, а когда ему было всего 12 лет, он попытался убежать на корабле в Вест-Индию. К несчастью для него матросы поймали его и отправили домой. У Жюля было отличное воображение, он написал несколько рассказов о приключениях и создал таинственных персонажей, таких как капитан Немо. В Двадцать тысячах лиг под морем капитан Немо путешествует под водой на своей подводной лодке, Наутилус. В своих путешествиях он встречает странных морских существ и находит подводный город