<span>Посмотри, что у меня есть<span>!</span></span>
1) Did he open the window before the classes?
He didn't open the window before the classes .
2) Did Ann translate a lot of foreiqn letters at the office last week?
Ann didn't translate a lot of foreiqn letters at the office last week .
3) Did I finish work at 5 o clock the day before yesterday .
I didn't finish work at 5 o clock the day before yesterday .
4) Did they return home in the eveninq .
They didn't return home in the eveninq .
Кажется, как-то так)))
1) My sister lives in the country and has two children. Present Indefinite Active от инфинитивов глаголов to live, to have. Моя сестра живет в деревне и у нее двое детей.
2) I broke my
father's camera yesterday. Past lndefinite Active от инфинитива глагола to break. Я сломал видеокамеру отца вчера.
3) He will not play tennis next week. Future lndefinite Active от инфинитива глагола to play. Он не будет играть в теннис на следующей неделе.
Задание а///
B) How many parts in karate there are to learn?
C) What is your favourite event in gymnastics?
D) What are the main keys to a good race?
/////Задание б)////
B. 1) What belt level you are at this moment?
2) What part out of three are you learning right now?
C. What is the hardest part of gymnastics for you?
D. Exactly how long it took you to become a good racer?