I was writing a letter when the telephone rang.
It was raining when I got up.
She was cooking dinner when her son came in.
She was cooking dinner while he was cleaning the room.
The girls were singing while the boys were learning poems.
They were playing chess when I saw them.
Попробуй составить текс так:задержи тему текста а иначе напишут что так мало?Например Я люблю каждый день после школы и в выходные гулять со своими друзьями.Когда мы гуляем мы любим кататься на велосипедах,играть в мяч и ходить к друг другу в гости по возможности.Еще каждый день мы с моей мамой ходим на площадку и кормим там милых белочек которые живут на дереве и спускаются с деревьев каждый вечер а мы за ними наблюдаемм,иногда мы ходим туда с моими друзьями тоже.Я очень люблю гулять!
Как я люблю гулять
Мое любимое занятие на день
Моя любовь к прогулкам
1)in my opinion it is the interest of this boy.
2)he is only 12, and he began caring animals. it is a big plus. because it can help him in the future.
My best day of the year is my birthday. It is on( дата ). I'm call my family, my friends and my classmates. The fist present was from my dad and mummy. They gave me( подарок). The second present was from my grandma and grandpa, they gave me ( подарок ). Besides, the gave me ( второй подарок от бабушки и дедушки). The third pre Sen was from my best friend (имя друга). He/She gave me (подарок). We ate pasta with cheese and drank apple juice. It was the best day of my year.