1 - put out
2 - equipment
3 - rescue
4 - busy
5 - project
<h2>there isn't a turtle on this farm</h2>
<span>1. What colour is the car? - It is quite far, I can't see its colour. - Какого цвета та машина? - Она далековато, я не могу рассмотреть ее цвет.</span>
Наша школа дуже зауважна до зовнішнього вигляду школярів. Я майже ніколи не порушую права школи. Хлопці у нашому класі вдягають білу поглажену сорочку і чорні штани. Чорні джинси наша школьна адміністрація не сприймає тому інколи хлопцям роблять зауваження до їх вигляду. На відміну від хлопців, дівчата вдягають чорну юбку без зайвих прикрас і білу блузку. Нам дозволяють носити блузку з рюшиками тому всі дівчата не проти цього одягу. Мені теж подобається наша школьна форма і я дуже люблю носити її до школи,.
1. Where were you at recess? We wrote a test.2. We spent three hours wrote a test, and by the end everyone is very tired; I think I've made a lot of mistakes.3. That day he had a lot to do. He worked all day and finished only by the evening. He was very tired, but was happy that he made so many.4. The play is long over, but we still sat and thought about what he had seen.5. While I was doing homework, mom was cooking dinner.6. While I was doing homework, the mother made dinner.7. What were you doing on Saturday? - Spent the entire day playing football.8. The day we played football and then went to the cinema and regretted ( to complain about smth) about this: the film was boring.9. A great artist (a great artist) worked on the painting for many years and finished it when he was already an old man.10. Who is in the photo? Is the person who killed Lennon.11. You know what I mean. - Since childhood. - I knew her too, but we quarreled, and since then, we're not Dating.12. You have such a horrified look (a frighten look). What they told you?