Everyone wants to have a job of their dream.Somebody wants to study English while others have a naturall desire to become a doctor but personally I want to be a banker becouse firstly it will help you to earn a lot of money becouse this job is really popular nowadays so there are a wide variety of different cources how to become a good banker or you can study at a university or college and after studied become a proffesional banker with well paid job and big amount of clients. Another major reason of becoming a banker is that this job can improve your knowledge in different ways such as math and logical thinking ,so I think that this is an ideal job for me and I want to become a banker in my adult life.
- What time in St. Petersburg darkens in the winter?
- About 5 hours. I do not really like it, because it gets light at 9, after I come to work, and it gets dark at 5, before I leave work. Yesterday morning, when I left the house, it was still dark and it was snowing.
Написать предложения как в example.snakes / кроликов / собак (опасно) Змеи являются наиболее опасными из трех. киты / львы / лисы (большие) черепахи / гепарды / акулы (медленно) Июнь / октябрь / Февраль (холодный) смотреть фильм / делать домашнюю работу / убирая номер (скучно) автомобили / самолеты / поезда (быстро) питоны / крокодилы / ящерицы (длинные)