Во-первых, когда время Past Simple.
а во-вторых с they, we, you
1 People know what's happened today because of news. It is the best way to learn something new and really important . By the way,all news are sorted on different themes,so it is much easier to find something suitable for yourself.
2 People got used to warch TV as it only was created. TV was the good way of getting information and entertaining yourself . But nowadays we have internet ,that provides so much information,that nothing else like books or TV can't provide.
3 The internet is the most helpful thing for education. I mean not only school education. You can learn anything you want just by clicking on it or watching the helpful video.
Вооот так , думаю,с переводом понятно) чисто мои мысли
Ханс жил в небольшом коттедже в полном одиночестве и каждый день он работал в своем саду. Во всей округе не было настолько красивого сада как у него. Там росли алые и желтые розы. Нарциссы цвели по порядку,каждый месяц. Один цветок занимал место другого. Там всегда были прекрасные вещи на которые можно посмотреть и приятные запахи чтобы ощутить.
1) In a tiny cottege lived Hans.
2) He worked at his garden every day.
3) His garden was the best in all the countryside.
4) In his garden there were always beautiful things to look at and pleasant odours to smell.
5) There were always beautiful things to look at because he took really big care to his garden.
6) Hans lived in the cottege.
What bloomed in there order?
What did flowers in there order?
In that order flowers bloomed?
Are flowers bloomed in there order?
Why flowers bloomed in their order?
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. b
6. a
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