I want to tell you about my favorite TV show. This TV show tells about different animals. The TV show is called “Zverki zvezdy”. I watch it and the mood always rises. I like the TV show because of cute and cool animals. This TV show always starts on Saturdays at 4pm. When Saturday, the whole weekend and we sit down to relax and watch these "Beasts of the Star". In a word, it's just gorgeous.
Я хочу рассказать про мое любимое телешоу.Этот телешоу рассказывается про разных животных.Телешоу называется "Зверки звёзды". Я смотрю его и всегда поднимается настроение. Телешоу мне нравится из за милых и классных зверей. Всегда этот телешоу начинается по субботам в 16часов. Когда суббота ,все выходные и мы садимся отдыхать и смотреть эти "Зверки звезды". Одним словом это просто шикарно.
Forest fires in Siberia 2019 are a record for the area of forest fires in the last few years.
Average June temperatures in parts of Siberia where wildfires are raging were nearly ten degrees above the long-term average for the period 1981-2010.
Forest fires in Siberia received a wide response in social networks-users actively promoted publications with relevant hashtags and asked to start extinguishing fires immediately. At the same time, experts studying fires note that forest fires in the far East and Siberia occur annually, but usually they do not attract such attention
According to Greenpeace, fires in Siberia by August 5, 2019 reached record levels in the history of observation since 2001 in terms of burning area (4 million hectares), the area of burned forests (more than 13 million hectares) and the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere gorenjeski
The fires have released tens of millions of tons of carbon dioxide into The earth's atmosphere, accelerating global warming. The abnormally early onset of fires and their abnormally large areas are a direct consequence of global warming. Permafrost melts, which leads to the release of huge amounts of methane into the atmosphere. There is also a real threat of destruction of the economically used forest Fund of Russia.
1) Good food is healthy for our organism. It keeps you healthy and you rarely get sick. You eat healthy food every day. Good food has a lot of vitamins.
2) You can eat bad food for fun, because if you eat much, you can get sick for a long time. Everybody knows that fast food, sweets, are unhealthy. So you need to eat it in moderation.
Would you like to tell me the truth, Tanya?
You might be telling me the truth, Tanya.
Вот сам перевод, коряво конечно, отредактируй чуть чуть):
Истинный друг Шишир Друг похож на звезду, которая мерцает и светится или, может быть, как океан, который плавно течет. Друг, как золото, которым ты должен дорожить И заботиться о тебе во веки веков. Друг похож на ангела, который здесь, чтобы вести вас. Друг - это тот, кому вы можете доверять из немногих. Друг больше, чем один на миллион. Они - один на один миллион, а ты, мой друг, очень особенный, и это официально.