Fill in the missing letters: ea, ue, ui, ou, au. Dream, h__se, come tr__, b__lding, s__venirs, th__tre, t__rist, gr__t, c__ntry,
House, come true, building, souvenir, theatre, tourist, great, country, famous, east, fountain, fruit, creative, seaside, question
She used to have short hair 9 years ago
he didnt use to play football
she used to be a hair dresser
i used to watch tv
Did they use to live in new york?
Computers have changed peoples lifes in many different ways. You can search anything you need by just going on the computer. You can listen to music. You can write your work. Computers just keep you updated more.
Дарр был добрым дельфином, не так ли?
Плащ, меч, шрам на лице, кудрявые средние волосы, коричневые штаны, черные ботинки