А Будьте добры,дайте мне пачку печенья. Или Мне ,пожалуйста,пачку печенья.
В Конечно/Разумеется,вот возьмите .
А Сколько она (пачка печенья) стоит?
В 90 пенсов.
What time do you have to start to work?
I must go now. Bye-bye.
We aren't allowed to wear shorts at the University.
We can't do what we want.
You mustn't smoke here. It's against the rules.
I don't have to do the washing and ironing because my mother does it for me.
My mother has to work hard six days a week.
Does John get up at 6 o'clock in the morning?
Is his offise near the metro station?
Did her friend live in London?
Shall we have dinner at home?
Has she already bought a new dress?
2) are. 3)is. 4)it. 5)to. 6) the. 7)out. 8)you. 9) the.
Летом я играю с друзьями
Я поднимаюсь на верх
Мне нравиться играть с папой
Я хотел(а) ходить на самбо
Я дома играю в игры